The Chinese University of Hong Kong
events & news

How start-up teams can collaborate for success

活动名称: How start-up teams can collaborate for success
主办单位名称: PI Centre
位置: 香港
地点: Online (via Zoom)
日期: 2020-08-18 - 2020-08-18
活动时间: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

We often see other start-up teams as competitors.  What if they could actually help you succeed?  Learn the importance of how building up a community of your startup fellows could be the difference between your success or failure!


Link to Zoom meeting will be sent to you by email 2 or 3 working days before the workshop.
If you haven't received it, please make sure that PI Centre is on your safe senders list and double-check your spam/junk email inbox.

查询电话 / 电邮:

Miss Noah Wan
T: 6346 4053
